
目前顯示的是 6月, 2021的文章

Herbert 好食哉 – 台北市 – 裸食 – 裸食私廚 (Nakedfood)

今天要介紹健康到很厲害的餐廳,厲害的原因是,這家餐廳的老闆是裸食主義的推崇者,所以你不用飛大老遠到美國洛杉磯去品嘗當下好萊塢女星的新寵飲食法,在台北市就可以嘗新囉 !   這家位在東門商圈的裸食餐廳,老闆娘是來自南非的美食愛好者,在台北已經久居了 16 個年頭,熟悉台灣人的口味,在菜單上也不乏融入台灣道地的醬料,如豆瓣醬,就連當下最夯的韓國料理,也一併帶入裸食的烹煮創意。 因為是第一次來所以就全權交給老闆娘來處理囉,若你想要自己點也沒關係,是有很詳細的菜單及圖文介紹的喔,但老闆娘的親自介紹會讓你更為深刻,更明白裸食的烹煮方式及精神,會說英文最好,不會也沒關係,老闆娘也會講中文的 !!   裸食就是生機飲食的進化版,讓生機飲食不再那麼單調與平常,但還是保持著低溫烹製的原則,因為大多數的維他命及微量礦物質等等,都會在超過 40 度以上的高溫下流失,所以你在這裡吃到的東西,都是常溫或是恆同體溫的溫度而已,不用擔心被燙傷,可以細細品味食材最原始的氣味。 每一道菜都是精心設計的,從擺盤呈現及料理形狀就能看出老闆娘的用心,若沒有服務生上菜時再次細心的介紹,你是無法想像你下一口將吃下的料理,帶著一點驚喜的品嘗也是一種樂趣;沒有像是大口酒肉的豪爽,裸食的品嘗是細細的,是慢慢的,每一口慢慢的咀嚼,去猜測食材是什麼 ?  去找出香料的名稱 ?  都是一種味覺上的探險,或許,這樣才會體悟到有機小農的辛苦栽種;這樣也才能與廚師的創意有所共鳴。   這是一家要用心,用時間去品味的餐廳,對於餐點的喜惡,我不便評斷,但我的確享受在 Nakedfood 的用餐經驗,及餐後那一份對養生的體會;我想,這一周再多吃一次頂呱呱應該也沒啥罪惡感地,呵呵 !!   P.S.真的裸的很徹底,從前菜到甜點、飲品都是裸食的烹煮方式喔!! 更多旅遊、美食資訊不漏接,歡迎加入FB粉絲團 [Herbert。好視 界 ]  !! 店名:裸食私廚 (已停業) 地址:100台北市中正區新生南路一段160巷22-1號 電話:02 2396 2202

The beauty of Taiwan - New Taipei City - Wulai

Wulai is a very special place in New Taipei city.  You can get a beautiful waterfall and hot spring at the same time.  Also,  it is not that far away from Taipei city; simply you just need to jump on the subway (MRT) and head straight to Xindian station (Green Line) then go get 849 Bus. Don't worry which stop to get off because Wulai is the final stop. As soon as you get off the bus,  you can feel the air is so different from Taipei city. It is fresher, cleaner and even sweeter than the city.  The first place to look around is the old street.  Actually,  it is not that old, but you can indeed find some local native Taiwanese delicacies on the street such as shrimp from the stream, wild boar sausage, bamboo rice, wild herbs, and a lot of more.  These dishes are not easy to find in the city,  so 'Bon Appetite!' All most forget to mention,  you gotta try 'Mochi' which is native Taiwanese's dessert, a very delicious sticky rice ball. Give it...

The beauty of Taiwan – Nantou County – Xitua

Taiwan is in the sub-tropical area. With a lot of rainfall, forest and jungle are all over the island. As soon as you get out of cities, you will see a lot of beautiful forest surrounding by you. However, it is quite dangerous to go into the woods without any professional experiences because you may encounter toxic snakes and bugs.   Therefore, Xitua is a great place to visit because it is well-established for tourist. However, it doesn’t lose its natural, original form. Xitua is in the middle of Taiwan, so the transportation is a bit complicated. The below link can give you an idea how to get there:  http://www.exfo.ntu.edu.tw/sitou/eng/05route/ Xitua used to be a recreation center for students of Tokyo University when Taiwan was ruled by Japanese. After the Japanese occupation, Taiwan University uses this place for its Department of Botany to research the local plants in Taiwan. In 1970, Xitua forest recreational area was established officially. Since that, Xitua has become ...

The beauty of Taiwan – Nantou County – Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake is the most famous landscape in Taiwan for international visitors. If you ask me why, be honest with you, I have no idea as well. However, Sun Moon Lake is a really beautiful place to get away from Taipei city. Sun Moon Lake got its name from its unique shape that looked like a sun on one side and a crescent moon on the other. It also crowned as one of the Eight Wonders of Taiwan. Except for the beautiful view, Sun Moon Lake is also a place to generate hydroelectric power. Thus, the lake does provide more functions than other lakes. If you are in Taipei, it will take you a quite journey to get there. I am not going to address it too much. You can obtain the direction by Google Map or the following link:  https://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw/English/TravelInfoEng/TrafficInfoEng/PublicTransportEng/TrainEng.htm There are so many places and activities that you can do in Sun Moon Lake, the famous spots including Cien Pagoda, Lalu Island, Xuanguang Temple, Xian Mountain, Yon...