The beauty of Taiwan – Nantou County – Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake is the most famous landscape in Taiwan for international visitors. If you ask me why, be honest with you, I have no idea as well. However, Sun Moon Lake is a really beautiful place to get away from Taipei city.

Sun Moon Lake got its name from its unique shape that looked like a sun on one side and a crescent moon on the other. It also crowned as one of the Eight Wonders of Taiwan. Except for the beautiful view, Sun Moon Lake is also a place to generate hydroelectric power. Thus, the lake does provide more functions than other lakes.

If you are in Taipei, it will take you a quite journey to get there. I am not going to address it too much. You can obtain the direction by Google Map or the following link:

There are so many places and activities that you can do in Sun Moon Lake, the famous spots including Cien Pagoda, Lalu Island, Xuanguang Temple, Xian Mountain, Yongjie Bridge, Tongxin Bridge, Christian Church, Meihe Garden, Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village, and the 14 lake trails. Therefore, a one-day trip is not enough for Sun Moon Lake. You need to stay one or two nights there. It is so incredible to wake up in such gorgeous lake view. You can almost believe you are walking in the Chinese painting in the early morning when the mist is moving above the lake and passing through the mountains. If you like to bike, Sun Moon Lake bikeway was selected to be one of the 10 most beautiful bike routes on earth by CNN in 2012.

Of course, there are some local snacks that you must give it a try. Take a boat trip, you will stop by Xuanguang Temple. Before you go up, you will smell a wonderful odor nearby Xuanguang Temple Pier. It is tea egg. You may have tried tea egg before from 7-11, but the one is so different and it is worthy to wait in line. Don’t worry, it only takes 5 minutes to get it. Another one is Sun Moon Lake black tea. You can easily get it anywhere on the street. And, there are more local delicacies in Ita Thao Pier. Open your mind, you can taste Taiwan more!!

Don't take it too long, Sun Moon Lake is waiting for your visit!!



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