The beauty of Taiwan - Taipei City - Beitou Train Station

Beitou district is famous for its hot spring. During the era of Japanese occupation, Japanese had established their hot spring culture in Taiwan, especially in Beitou. Today, I am not going to introduce you about the hot spring. I am going to show you a historical site which is Beitou train station.

Beitou train station has been more than 100 years old. The station was built for hot spring purpose because the hot spring boosted the district’s economy. Beitou was the best place to entertain important guests back to 100 years ago in Taipei.

The train station was moved away from its original site for the construction of MRT. In words, New Beitou station (Red Line) has replaced its function of Beitou train station in 1997. 

In 2016, the old station reopened for the public again. Therefore, you are lucky to visit it since then. No matter where you are, just jump into an MRT cabin, make a transfer to Red Line (head to Tamsui station), get off at Beitou station, go to another platform for Xinbeitou station, and then get out of Xinbeitou station. Beitou train station is just on your right-hand side. 

Beitou train station is a wood-made train station. Thus, it is very rare. Only a few wood-made train stations are preserved in Taiwan. However, the station didn’t operate anymore. You can go into the building to check out its architecture; see how amazing people could build up the station with such delicate skills a century ago. Also, you can experience how people used this station for their daily life. Of course, there are so many historical exhibitions in this station. You may check it out to know the history of Beitou and look through the precious old photos displayed there. 

Sometimes, local histories can bring you more than you can image!! 



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